Events 4/4
 Authorities of the Communist Party (Political Bureau composed of Wladyslaw Gomulka, Marian Spychalski Cyrankiewicz Jozef, Ignacy Loga-Sowinski, Mieczyslaw Moczar, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Alojzy Karkoszka, Zenon Kliszko, Kazimierz Świtała, Tadeusz Pietrzak) on hearing about the events in Gdansk ordering the use of weapons demonstrating against the pass, but after the warning shots fired by the up according to the order of Gomulka had to be put in the leg.

  Intervention took place with 550 tanks and 700 armored personnel carriers 8th mechanized division. To combat the demonstrators moved 5,000 policemen and 27,000 soldiers, Coast has been brutally pacified. The campaign was supervised personally present in Tricity Deputy Defense Minister Grzegorz Korczynski.