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Balance December repression brought about 39 people were killed - one in Elblag, 6 in Gdansk, Szczecin and 16 and 18 in Gdynia. Injured were 1 164 people. Stopped more than 3,000 people. There have been cases of people passing tanks caterpillars. As a result of clashes and accidents also killed several militiamen and soldiers, LWP, and dozens were injured. Destroyed several military vehicles, including tanks and BTR transporters. Set fire to 17 buildings (including buildings of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party in Gdansk and Szczecin), smashed 220 shops, dozens of cars were torched.

In December 20 Wladyslaw Gomulka was ousted from power, as First Secretary Gierek was replaced by Edward Gierek. At the same time the resolution was taken to earmark 6.5 billion zł in social benefits, wage increases, etc. At the sitting of the Sejm on December 23, Joseph Cyrankiewicz was dismissed from the position of Chief Executive and was appointed Chairman of the State Council, and was succeeded by Piotr Jaroszewicz.
Strikes, suspended for several days in late December were resumed. Edward Gierek arrived Jan. 24 for the SSN to meet with striking shipyard workers. After his visit, the strike closed down.
The IPN documents that the December incident are not limited to the coast. For demonstrations and strikes also took place in Krakow, Walbrzych and other cities. According to the findings of historians in the depths of the country went on strike when more than 20,000 people.