Events 2/4
  Similar events took place in Gdynia: Gdynia shipyard workers joined the strike, strike a committee to raise wages postulated for workers and reducing differences in earnings among different groups of workers. Subsequent strikes on the Coast

  In Gdansk, the first shots of the strikers died on December 16. The shipyard announced protest strike, still ongoing fighting in the streets.

 The situation is exacerbated, the more that members of the Party Committee considered the request of the demonstrators, the equalization of wages and the abolition of price increases, to be realistic. On the night of 16 on December 17, 1970 occupying the shipyard workers threatened with assault with weapons. In this situation, the Strike Committee decided to surrender. The workers left the shipyard, which once took the military.

 Strikes also took place in Szczecin, shipyard workers striking against them. Warski directed militias, clashes, there were several killed and wounded. Szczecin Shipyard was surrounded by troops, in the evening the protesters fired on Dec. 18, were killed and wounded. The fights took place on the streets, the crowd tried to get the prison, where detainees were detained workers.